mcedit /etc/orthanc/mysql.json cat /etc/orthanc/mysql.json { /** * Configuration to use MySQL or MariaDB instead of the default * SQLite back-end of Orthanc. You will have to install the * "orthanc-mysql" package to take advantage of this feature. **/ "MySQL" : { // Enable the use of MySQL to store the Orthanc index? "EnableIndex" : true, // Enable the use of MySQL to store the DICOM files? "EnableStorage" : true, // Parameters of the MySLQ database "Host" : "localhost", "Port" : 3306, "Database" : "orthanc", "Username" : "orthanc", "UnixSocket" : "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", "Password" : "dDE4dkULEYrbBZxc", // Optional: Disable the locking of the MySQL database "Lock" : true } }